Monday, January 25, 2010

Katie: 18, To-do list: 14

It's been a week since I decided to clean my apartment and start the year off with a clean slate. I conquered about half my notorious to-do list, most of those on the first day, and since then haven't really accomplished much. Unfortunately I caught my third cold of the season and have been down for the count much of last week.

Still, being sick does help with crafting time. Since all I feel up to doing is watch TV I don't feel guilty sitting around crocheting or scrapbooking while my apartment is a wreck. In fact, I've just about finished my mom's Christmas gift, so the week can't be chalked up as a total loss.

More later. I'm hoping if I take it easy one more day I'll be back to my usual self.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A little spring cleaning

What? Did the calendar just jump ahead three months, or has this blogger just lost her mind?

It's true it is still winter here in the Midwest, but I have decided to offset my dreary surroundings by making my home just a little bit more livable. I'm not really sure what brought this on--perhaps it's because my parents are planning an estate sale of sorts for my grandparents' things before putting their house on the market, or maybe it's just because I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by the clutter and have had enough.

Whatever the cause, I'm armed with a bottle of Lysol, a can of Pledge, my iPod, and a 32 item to-do list (which seems to be getting longer by the minute). Wish me luck!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New year, new blog

Well, here it is 2010, and like most people I have made my New Years resolutions. There's the usual, lose weight, get organized, find a full-time job, get out of debt, et cetera, but there's a few that are a little more personal.

First of all, I want to start making writing more of a priority. After all, a person who claims to be a writer and who wants to make a living at it some day should make a point of writing frequently, shouldn't they? So, I thought I'd give this blogging thing another try, in addition to my traditional writing pursuits.

The rest of my resolutions, judging from title of this blog you may have guessed it, have to do with crafting. My main goal is to get my craft materials under control! In my one bedroom apartment my craft supplies have taken over. At times, I even feel a touch claustrophobic in my own home. Rather than purging most of it, I resolve to use what I have and keep my craft spending to a minimum this year.

More blogging/crafting to follow. Hope you'll stick around and see what I'll be working on next.